This is an authentic CHANEL Caviar Quilted Small CC Filigree Vanity Case in Black Replica. The elegant shoulder bag features an aged gold chain link, aged gold threaded shoulder straps, and a large Channel CC stitched logo on the front.
- Base length: 7 in
- Height: 5.25 in
- Width: 3 in
- Drop: 1.50 in
- Drop: 18.75 in
This Chanel Filigree Vanity Case Refurbish is the perfect way to add a touch of luxury to your travel routine. The gold-tone finish and small size make it the perfect accessory for any jet-setter. The black leather interior is spacious enough to store all your essentials, while the filigree detailing adds a touch of elegance. This vanity case will make a statement whether you’re headed to the beach or the city.
The Chanel Filigree Vanity Case Gold-Tone Small Black Copy is a chic and stylish way to store your makeup and other small items. The case is black leather with a gold-tone filigree design on the front. The case has a snap closure and is lined with black fabric. The case measures 4.5 inches wide by 3 inches tall by 1 inch deep.
The Chanel Filigree Vanity Case Gold-Tone Small Black is a chic and stylish way to store your essentials. The case is made of black leather with a gold-tone metal filigree design. The case has a snap closure and a small mirror inside. The Chanel logo is featured on the front of the case. The case measures 3.5″ x 2.5″ x 1″.
When it comes to high-end designer vanity cases, there is perhaps no name more famous than Chanel. The French fashion house is well-known for its luxurious and timeless designs, and its vanity cases are no exception. The Chanel Filigree Vanity Case Gold-Tone Small Black is a perfect example of their craftsmanship. This beautiful case is made from black leather with a gold-tone filigree design on the front. It’s the perfect size for carrying your essentials, and the gold hardware adds a touch of elegance. If you’re looking for a luxury vanity case that will make you feel like a Hollywood starlet, the Chanel Filigree Vanity Case Gold-Tone Small Black Likeness is a perfect choice.
This Chanel vanity case is the perfect addition to any collection. The case is made of gold-tone metal and features a black filigree design. The case measures 3.54 inches wide by 2.36 inches tall and is perfect for storing small items such as makeup, jewelry, or other trinkets. The case has a snap closure and a mirror on the inside lid. This vanity case is sure to make a statement and is a must-have for any Chanel fan.
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